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Go on, be a ‘Martyr!’ A brilliant debut novel rides the slippery slope of self-sacrifice Los Angeles Times


Van der Kolk describes our inner resilience to manage the worst of life’s circumstances with our innate survival instinct. We can survive and even thrive despite the traumas we have endured. This is one of the most compelling books on recovery and humanity ever written. Dr. Maté shares the powerful insight that substance use is, in many cases, a survival mechanism. When something awful happens to us, our way to cope is to turn off and even turn against ourselves, as a method of resilience. The book discusses drug policies, substance use treatment, and the root causes of substance use.

Regardless of how old you are, texts like Mastery can show you how to awaken your creative passion and find mentors to help you reach the top of whatever field you dream of. A family friend gave me this book, telling me that it had kept him from drinking for the decades since he’d last had a drink. It is best read one page per day, since each page contains a short passage and explanation of its meaning. This reflective work can allow you to appreciate the value of the present moment, rather than attempting to live in the past or in the future. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a fascinating system for reprogramming behavior by altering cognitive associations.

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This book is the most basic guide for NLP that I have found, and the authors describe how using NLP has changed the lives of people they care about. A person of extraordinary intellect, Heather King is a lawyer and writer/commentator for NPR — as well as a recovering alcoholic who spent years descending from functional alcoholism to barely functioning at all. From graduating cum laude from law school despite her excessive drinking to languishing in dive bars, King presents a clear-eyed look at her past and what brought her out of the haze of addiction. Based on Fisher’s hugely successful one-woman show, Wishful Drinking is the story of growing up in Hollywood royalty, battling addiction, and dealing with manic depression. Her first memoir is an inside look at her famous parents’ marriage and her own tumultuous love affairs (including her on-again, off-again relationship with Paul Simon). Most notably, it’s a brutally honest — and hilarious — reflection on the late writer’s path to sobriety.

The Outrun — the title refers to tracts of outlying grazing land on arable farms — is slightly overlong and at times feels cluttered. But it depicts the protagonist’s brutal struggle with enough distinctive elements — in every sense of the word — to make it more than just another draining addiction story. Recollections of her time in rehab and the shame and self-doubt she shares with fellow alcoholics also surface in a timeline shuffled between London, the present-day Orkey Islands and her childhood there. “I cannot be happy sober,” she says to another AA attendee in a despondent moment. This is an approachable recipe book using everyday healthy ingredients to make delicious alcohol-free drinks for every occasion. Developed by registered dietitians, this book takes a new twist on classic cocktails.

Golden Globes: Winners List

Although this book isn’t specifically about alcohol recovery, it has become a go-to guide in many recovery circles. (And for good reason!) Atomic Habits offers practical strategies for making meaningful changes to your habits and routines, one tiny step at a time. It includes research and quotable nuggets on how to immediately take steps toward behavior change. This book serves as a guide for anyone starting their journey with a 30 day sobriety challenge. The Dry Challenge can be especially helpful for people who drink socially, and are looking to take a structured step back to re-evaluate their habits.

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The co-founder and CEO of Whole 30 and bestselling author, Melissa Urban, helped millions of people transform their relationship with food. Now, in The Book of Boundaries, out November 2023, Urban, who has been in recovery for more than 20 years, shows how setting clear limits can help protect your time, energy, health, security, confidence, and freedom. First published in 1954, Twenty-Four Hours a Day is a staple for many people struggling with an alcohol use disorder. It features daily meditations, thoughts, and prayers to aid readers in maintaining sobriety.

How to Murder Your Life by Cat Marnell

Having so many narrative detours is a bold stroke, even if it results in some imperfect metaphors, the extensive voiceover emphasizes the material’s literary origins and the extracurricular ruminations don’t always optimize the flow. On the other hand, those deviations feed into a highly atmospheric sense of place, as well as laying the foundations for the communion with nature that will ultimately provide Ronan’s character, Is There a Connection Between Narcissism and Alcoholism? Rona, with a way forward. This martyr business is fraught territory for Cyrus on a number of fronts. He is an Iranian-born man living in the Midwest, where such talk can arouse suspicions of terrorism. It also kicks up unpleasant family lore about his mother’s death in a passenger plane shot down by a U.S. missile, as well as his father’s slow decline into alcoholism after years of dismal labor on a chicken farm.

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Texts such as this one do not deny the utility of prescription medications for patients who need them. The premise is simply that using nutrients that our bodies have evolved to use is a safer (and often more sustainable) first approach for treating mood disorders. Narrower in its scope than the previous book, The Vitamin Cure conveys a simple approach to using basic nutrients to fight withdrawal and cravings. Unlike 7 Weeks to Sobriety, this book answers some questions about why the addiction treatment industry tends to ignore nutrition. At best, going to bed with a bottle of wine will make you wake up feeling dry-mouthed and stupid.

Laura’s book list on

This book is a great place to start if you’ve been feeling sober curious. This book provides an eye-opening perspective on and insight into how racism and white supremacy can lead to intergenerational trauma. Resmaa Menakem shares the latest research on body trauma and neuroscience, as well as provides actionable steps towards healing as a collective. These insights can introduce a whole new dimension of healing while on a sobriety or moderation journey. I will read anything Clare Pooley writes simply because she is a magical storyteller. The Sober Diaries is one of the best books in the quit lit category.

  • She’s brilliant in writing and shares many actionable tips and strategies.
  • From graduating cum laude from law school despite her excessive drinking to languishing in dive bars, King presents a clear-eyed look at her past and what brought her out of the haze of addiction.
  • Dry Humping is filled with alcohol-free date ideas, scripts for awkward conversations, tips from experts, prompts, people’s perspectives, and more.
  • Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.

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Pictures of Houses with Water Damage
as one of their favorite books, and they share
why you should read it. Despite the travails detailed in each narrative, the stories are funny, sometimes hilarious, reminding the reader that life in all its imperfections is mysteriously beautiful. 1
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Take Me With You
as one of their favorite books, and they share
why you should read it. I love this book because it showcases the essential goodness of people. In these times of hate-filled words and dishonesty, that’s an affirmation we all need. August is a teacher on an RV trip to national parks to scatter his son’s ashes—a trip he wants to take on his own, in grief and bitterness.

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